Candidate Requirements
Patrolling requires a significant commitment, and is a lot of fun. As a candidate you will go through 5 steps to join the team.
1. Pass a ski check. Tahoe Donner is a family resort with little advanced terrain, but you must be able to competently negotiate all terrain in a strong stable manner. Before your ski check we recommend you get a few days on your boards. In addition to organized group ski checks, with some prior notice you can stop by the patrol room most weekends and arrange for a ski check that day.
2. Fill out and submit registration forms and pay annual membership dues.
3. Complete the National Ski Patrol's "Outdoor Emergency Care" course (only offered during the summer/fall) and CPR for the Professional Rescuer.
4. Attend  candidate training sessions at Tahoe Donner.
5. Pass Tahoe Donner "Basic" OEC and Ski Proficiency test in the spring.
There is no guarantee that you will pass the "Basic" test, or that you can do it in a single season. We will assign you a mentor, and work with you. We want you to pass, but it is up to you to demonstrate the necessary skills. Once you've passed the "Basic" test, maintaining membership requires that you patrol 10 days a year and attend Tahoe Donner refreshers in the fall and winter. All requirements can be met on weekends.

Copyright 2013 TDNSP